- 2019/11/6 19:53:52
- 2018/3/8 14:36:18
- 2017/9/16 20:59:20
- 2017/3/2 21:59:41
- 2016/12/8 13:13:49
Upcoming Conventions 年度大会暨设备展
134th Convention, Rome, Italy 意大利,罗马
Save the date for our first ever convention in Rome!
May 4-7, 2013
135th Convention, New York, NY, USA 美国,纽约
Save the date for our return to New York!
October 17-20, 2013
Upcoming Conferences 其它研讨会
Audio Education, 50th International Conference 音频教育
Murfreesboro, TN, USA 美国,田纳西州莫非斯堡
July 25-27, 2013
Loudspeakers and Headphones, 51st International Conference
Helsinki, Finland 芬兰,赫尔辛基
August 21-24, 2013
Sound Field Control - Engineering and Perception, 52nd International Conference
Guildford, UK 英国,吉尔福德
September 2-4, 2013